You are free this Sunday? | Event creator search 👀

Swiftie event opportunity

Hi, Cece from Montage here 👋

This Sunday is technically our first Toronto event so we’re looking for...

A couple of people to attend for FREE in exchange for sending us B.C gals some clips/posting a story or two + tagging @your.montage 💜 

Super casual, think of it as a PR invite to an event minus needing to be an “influencer”. Perfect if you are free Sunday afternoon, but were unsure at first or if finances are a barrier (we get it). If our “creator” free spots fill up or you just wanna attend regardless, we also have some secret discount codes for email friends - just reach out.

Everyone coming will get a cute tote with some goodies from our fave brands! 👀

If you or someone you know is interested REPLY BACK TO THIS EMAIL and I will share more details.

💌 If anyone you know wants to be in the loop, they can sign up for Montage Updates too. Just send them this link: 

xoxo - Team Montage